Return Policy

Your satisfaction is important to us

Read the following terms and conditions to determine if your order or the items ordered can be returned or exchanged. If an item does not fully meet your expectations and meets all of the following conditions, simply contact us at +971 6 539 6009 after reviewing these terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions

You have 15 days from the order to return or exchange provided the items have never been used. Shipping, handling and transaction fees may apply.

Al Aqsa Tyres Trading L.L.C. and its administrative offices cannot assume errors from the customer. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the billing and delivery information, as well as to ensure that the item (s) ordered are compatible with the vehicle in question.

Non-refundable items and services

We are sorry, but we cannot offer refunds for the following items and services: actual set-up fees, stud fees, any transactional and / or administrative fees, handling fees, any additional transfer charges and / or delivery as well as any product declared as final sale or in liquidation.

* Products must be returned as new and never installed and / or used. If the returned product is damaged or has been used, the merchandise may be returned to you and therefore you will be charged a fee.

Steel wheels, alloy wheels and accessories

When buying steel or alloy rims, you must make sure that the rim is compatible with your vehicle and you must test the rim on the vehicle before installing the tires on them. Rims are non-returnable, if a tire has been mounted and / or installed on a vehicle for other than test purposes. Fees may apply upon return if the rim shows signs of damage due to handling by the customer.

Accessories such as bolt, centering ring, valve and sensor are not returnable.

Shipping costs

Actual transportation costs are not refundable except in the event that you return a product due to a delivery error or defect * reported within 15 days. In all other cases, the transport and return costs are borne by the customer.

Al Aqsa Tyres Trading L.L.C. is responsible for scheduling the delivery as well as the return with the applicable carrier depending on the delivery location.

* Trouble

In the event that you receive a defective item, the applicable return procedure will be that required by the manufacturer of the item. The warranty offered on the products sold by Al Aqsa Tyres LLC. is that of the manufacturers and is subject to the terms and conditions of the warranty.

Please refer to the guarantee documents for further information.


In the event that you should cancel your order, it is important to notify us as soon as possible. It is possible to cancel an order before it is shipped. Some transactional, handling and transportation charges may apply.

Repayment method

Upon receipt of the goods that have been duly returned and the verification conclude that the item is in compliance with the terms and conditions of returns, we will proceed with the credit. The latter will be charged to the credit card or PayPal account initially used during the purchase. Please allow time for your refund to appear on your credit card statement or PayPal account.




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